Miami attorneys Jared and Elizabeth Beck are taking another crack at their DNC fraud lawsuit after Judge Zloch’s dismissal in August. The Becks believe the DNC “actively concealed its bias” from its donors and supporters, and was in cahoots with the Clinton campaign to tip the scales in her favor.

Screenshot source: Disobedient Media

Disobedient Media reports:

With Category 5 Hurricane Irma barreling towards Southern Florida, the attorneys for the plaintiffs in the DNC fraud lawsuit were under much more pressure that usual in terms of how to proceed wth the case. Very early this morning, Elizabeth Lee Beck stated that two major, positive events had occurred for the suit.
The news of the notice of appeal having been filed comes as a relief to many, who view the litigation against the DNC and former chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz as one of the only avenues to truly address deep corruption in the Democratic party establishment which was so starkly reveled in the Wikileaks publication of the DNC leaks last year.
As Elizabeth Beck pointed out in her previous discussion of the dismissal, no copycat suits against the DNC have been filed in the wake of Judge Zloch’s dismissal. This means that the Beck’s suit and the appeal of its dismissal are still utterly unique in actually calling the DNC to account for its blatant and unapologetic corruption. It also sheds light on how few lawyers or firms in the country are willing to take on this suit.

As TGP previously reported Miami lawyers Jared and Elizabeth Lee Beck had their lawsuit against the DNC thrown out by a Florida court last month. The lawsuit alleged “DNC actively concealed its bias from its donors and supporters and was in cahoots with the Clinton campaign to tip the scales in her favor,” according to LawNewz.

LawNewz reports:

The judge wrote:
The Plaintiffs asserting each of these causes of action specifically allege that they donated to the DNC or to Bernie Sanders’s campaign.  But not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC’s charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations. And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC’s charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint (DE 8). Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing.
Ouch. In the lawsuit, the Bernie backers claimed they had standing to sue because they donated to the DNC thinking that the organization was neutral during the primaries.
The act of donating to an organization does not, of itself, create a legally protected interest in the organization’s operations,” Judge Zloch said.

Unlike the bogus scandals pushed by the press, the DNC fraud lawsuit was subject to a “media blackout.”

The liberal media refuses to cover this important case.

Russia Today reported:

The lawyer who filed a class-action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and its ex-chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz nearly a year ago tells RT that there has been a “mainstream media blackout” of the fraud case stemming from the 2016 primary.
The class action lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee and former chair Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida) filed in June 2016 alleges that the party showed bias toward Hillary Clinton over Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) during the 2016 primary.
Jared Beck, the attorney leading the lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee, went on RT’s “Redacted Tonight” to tell host Lee Camp that while the media covered “every moment” of the trials against OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman, the coverage of the DNC lawsuit has been a “total blackout.”